25 Jan 2010

Spring, please.

Like, right now. I'm craving colour, life. And especially no snow. We havn't had any new snow in over a month and it's dirty dirty.

Apparently it will rain tomorrow. Then freeze agian. Where are my snow-bells? My budding branches.

Here are some of the In-laws tulips instead.


  1. Can't wait either... Bring on the pretty flowers like these.

  2. Och, I know! I'm totally done with winter now. Mentally I've thrown off my winter coat and put nice little jackets on.

  3. Thank you thank you thank you!

    We're in the same dirty snow space, though a huge rain storm today is sweeping it away, thankfully!

    These photos are like bread for the journey...spring is a possibility

    Thank you!

  4. We're going to have months of winter yet, but you remind me that I can start surrounding myself with color! (Starting with my blog header, which is very mid-winter dull right now.)


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