14 Mar 2011

Pause and Repeat


Drinking a lot of coffee these days. Just to pause. Think. Relax. Find time for me. Helps when sleep is scarse, and everyone else monopolises my time.

Ah, the little things.

The cup, by the way, is by tine k home. They have loads of cool stuff. And the cappuccino was enjoyed at one of my favourite cafés, Ostehuset. They have loads of good food. Like the BBQ prawn sandwitch below.

BBQ Prawn Sandwitch


  1. Å, Ostehuset! Det hadde jeg glemt. Savner det litt altså.

  2. Oda: Husker du når vi gikk på Ostehuset etter praksis i Aftenbladet? Da var det bare en liten sjappe. Nå har de to store caféer. Når skal du forresten komme og besøke oss med minien?


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