26 July 2009

Confession #1

Inspired by Julochkas moments of perfect clarity I have decided to make a few confessions. I absolutely love reading her secrets.
Press picture for link.
So here goes.
My Aussie accent is rehersed.

Being both Australian and Norwegian (one parent from each country) and growing up in the US, Australia, cousins in Canada, going to IB, uni in Australia, then UK, you can say that my accent is a little bit off. On the same note I have always had the need to be identified as an Aussie when I open my english-speaking mouth.
It does have to do with one of my first solo visits to a pub in Aussie, and being told to f**k off you f***ing Yank when I ordered a beer (read: biir) when I should have ordered a beer (read: beah). I decided that I was going to to my best to at least not sound like a Yank, and preferably like an Aussie. So I listened. And learned.
These days though, as much as I'd like to, I don't sound like any of my half nationalities. My family in Australia tell me that I sound British, Europeans guess Aussie, but (as much as it hurt) my sis had it spot on. - You sound exaggerated, she said casually.
I'm owning up to it. I'm a rehersed Aussie.
It's out.

1 comment:

  1. haha! moren til en venninne var på besøk her i wien og mente at utenlandslivet hadde fått oss begge til å begynne å snakke "pent". Har lagt stor vekt på å snakke jyyysla stavangårsk siden :)


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